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Managed Gold Class+ Mobile Access Credential Custom Format site and number range Min 25+


Key Features

As an extension of the ISCS Card and Reader Program, ISCS is pleased to introduce the iCLASS SE Gold Class Program, providing end-users one of the highest levels of card-to-reader security available today!

GOLD CLASS PLUS now available for securing Mobile Credentials!

When using iCLASS SE contactless smart card technology, the GOLD CLASS Security Encryption Solution provides security professionals the ability to standardize on a “single credential” solution that can be used for all applications and locations throughout their enterprise worldwide. The mutual authentication and encryption features of the technology enhance the “peace of mind” offered by this solution.

The GOLD CLASS security encryption solution offers end-users the choice of their own secure – 26, 33, 34, 37, 38 or C1K bit format.

This format includes a company ID Code that is unique to each individual end-user. For added security, ISCS tracks card numbers to ensure that no duplications occur. Since the format is identical to formats offered by providers of access control hardware and software there is no difficulty programming systems to use these formats.

Security is further enhanced through the use of an encrypted authentication (security) key. This key authenticates the card and reader.

GOLD CLASS is a unique, randomly generated a key for each individual end-user.

A custom authentication key provides the end-user with the highest level of security, offering:

  1. a format that uses a unique company ID Code in the format itself, making the format proprietary to the end-user; and
  2. an authentication key that is also unique to the end-user.

GOLD CLASS cards can be optioned to 16K or 32K memory with 2 or 16 segment allowing biometric or other end-user selected read-write applications.

SKU: Managed GC+ Mob Cred Custom format, site and number range Min 25+




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